How Video Games Can Make Anyone Smarter

1234 words - 5 pages

Annotated Bibliography
"Can Playing Video Games Make You Smarter?" Examined Existence. Accessed 6 Sept. 2017.
Students at Harvard University discovered in a series of experiments that gamers are picture smart and have better spatial intelligence. This means that they exceed in spatial reasoning and image manipulation. Studies have shown that video gamers can easily tread through small details, such as a misspelled word, in a newspaper article. They are also better when it comes to noticing differences between colors, especially colors like grey, which is particularly important in driving around in fog. Their spatial intelligence also helps with knowing directions better which are helpful for a starting driver who doesn't know their way around as well as the more experienced.

Casey, Michael. "Could playing video games make you smarter?" CBS News, CBS Interactive, 12 Nov. 2014, Accessed 5 Sept. 2017.

"People who played action games like "Call of Duty" and 'Unreal Tournament 2004' showed greater capacity to learn than those who played non-action games." The quote from the source proves my point that individuals who play action games have a greater potential for learning than those who don't play them. This explains that video games help people become better at St. Peter 2 at learning because video games constantly force you to learn its rules, and this skill transfers over to the real world for most. The source talks about many studies on this matter and a majority of the studies showed that video games help with learning.

Loria, Dina Spector and Kevin. "15 Ways Video Games Make You Smarter And Healthier." Business Insider, Business Insider, 20 Sept. 2014. Accessed 5 Sept. 2017.

The source lists many facts about the gaming industry as a whole and how it makes kids smarter. 59% of Americans are gamers and the industry is proliferating with about 67 billion worth. Because it is so huge, the population has studied what it does to our brains and, surprisingly, it helps us make more logical decisions 25% faster, which is helpful in the real world and will contribute to your growing intelligence. Driving games even help with improved memory and focus, which will help in places such as school an even college.

Macalino, Mona Lisa. "Can Video Games Make You Smarter?" Men's Fitness, Men's Fitness, 29 Sept. 2016. Accessed 6 Sept. 2017.
Tests were conducted at the University of Toronto and the results were that people who played video games had a higher visual attention and made you a bit sharper as a result. They were able to suppress other distractors in other experiments. This experiment was conducted alongside a group who worked on a puzzle, and, as the results signify, the subjects who played video games were more successful in their mission. Greater visual attention is really useful in real life when it comes to monitoring changes on a computer display St. Peter 3 MailOnline, Jonathan O'Callaghan for. "Do video games make you SMART...

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