Let There Be Dark By Paul Bogard's - Essay

540 words - 3 pages

In Paul Bogard's "Let There Be Dark", he attempts to convince readers of the "irreplaceable value of darkness." Through this 2012 Los Angeles Times article, he strives to connect with a general audience, persuading them to preserve natural darkness in their lives. Bogard effectively builds his argument by using personal anecdotes, referencing the arts and culture, and citing reputable organizations.

Bogard effectively begins his essay with a personal story. He recalls how, in the natural darkness near a Minnesota lake, the "woods [were] so dark that my hands disappeared before my eyes." Bogard's use of a personal anecdote excites the reader about darkness, softening and readying him/her for the arguments to come. Moreover, connecting the personal touch with a fact, such as how "8 of 10 children born in the US will never know a sky dark enough for the Milky Way", Bogard is able to portray his personal anecdote as an anomaly with the general population of children. Lastly, Bogard later refers back to darkness in his childhood summers to remind the reader of the pleasant experiences that they might have had as a child. Considering the outlet for his piece is a newspaper, the reader is likely to be older than a teenager, and is likely to have fond memories of summer akin to that of Bogard.

Allusions and references to popular arts and culture also strengthen Bogard's argument. In paragraph 5, Bogard refers to Van Gogh's "Starry Night", wondering if this masterpiece could be recreated in the current world, "awash with electric light." By referencing a popular work of art, Bogard builds support for his argument. Many readers who are apprehensive about the benefits of darkness would undoubtedly appreciate ...

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