"what Christians Believe About Life Is Up To Them. They Should Not Try To Make Others Accept Their Position." State Whether You Agree, Give Reasons, And Consider More Than One Point Of View

527 words - 3 pages

People might say that Christians shouldn't try and make others share their beliefs about life because it isn't their business or place to interfere in other people's lives and tell them their beliefs are wrong because it is impossible for beliefs to be wrong as such. However, I disagree, as life is such an important subject and our beliefs about it naturally have a major effect when the beliefs are put into practice, for example, in abortion or euthanasia. This means we need to be sure that we have thought them out carefully, and so if Christians think that their beliefs are more well-founded than other people's, I believe it is right that t ...view middle of the document...

Some people might argue that Christians shouldn't try and make others accept their position, i.e. their views about life because everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions, and just because Christians think their beliefs are right, it doesn't mean they necessarily are right. However, I believe that it is right, because to form our beliefs we have to educate ourselves by listening to many other views first. Then we can decide what is right and wrong for ourselves and we won't only have one side of an argument.If someone is already living a good life; they are living within the law, following their conscience and rejecting evil, but they are not a Christian, some people could say that there is no need for Christians to enforce their beliefs on the person, because as they are already leading a good life, God would be pleased with them.I believe that Christians have don't have a right to make others accept their position, because people must think for themselves, but they should go on carrying out one of their tasks in life, which was given to them by God through Jesus in the commission - the common mission shared by all Christians. When Jesus had risen from the dead and went to talk to his disciples, he told them to heal the sick and cast out evil spirits, to forgive sins and to spread the word of God. So that it what Christians are doing, carrying out their beliefs, just as everyone else does.

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