The Effects Of Technology On Relationships - North West University - Assignment

770 words - 4 pages

Question 10
Technology is remarkable, it causes us to associate with individuals speedier and it has made correspondence less demanding, nonetheless, there is likewise a feeling of disengagement in human relations due to technology.
Miscommunication: the greatest issue with technology and social connections is the inability to distinguish tone. You can never truly know when somebody is being snide, funny, bored, genuine or clowning now and again. Unless you see the individual's face, hear their voice and interpret their tone, you have no clue the setting encompassing the words being used to communicate. Errors, miscommunications and presumptions have an impact on how we see others.
Personal Touch: Sometimes you simply need an embrace, a handshake or a congratulatory gesture or even that comforting facial expression. Smiley and emoticons are charming, however they do not influence one to feel an individual association with the partner in communication. In some cases we neglect to understand that, as people, we're additionally creatures that need individual touch.
Lack of empathy: unfortunately, no matter how much emotions are put in to a typed message it is not and can never be the same as when it would have been said in person. This does not mean that one does not feel empathy but because it cannot be expressed through body language, compassion is often not felt. It absolutely exists inside the individual who messaged, posted or messaged yet words don't pass it on.
Technology can be addictive: Technology has turned into an electronic fixation for a few, removing them from the physical world as they stick to the highlights it offers. Furthermore, in the same way as other addictions, there's an effect on the number and nature of human connections. Discussions through online networking and email replace customary collaborations and exchanges; in the end, a man doesn't have to go out to speak with others, and numerous individuals do not. This leads to social isolation that can be devastating to relationships.
The effect of technology on human cooperation paints a quite bleak picture. Be that as it may, it's an important dialog to have, as it shows us the necessity of adjusting our connections and correspondences with others. The best approach is to m...

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