Life Of Steve Jobs Essay

677 words - 3 pages

Steve Jobs is arguably solely responsible for the rapid development of technology. If Jobs and his co-founder, Steve Wozniak, didn't create their company, who knows who would've been the person who and when would revolutionized home computing.
Steven Paul Jobs went through a lot in his life, some good, some bad. Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, he was given up for adoption following his birth. Jobs' mother made it very clear to the couple who was adopting her son that she wanted him to go the college and get a good education. Steve didn't make it easy for his new parents to get him educated because he was too busy "causing havoc," Jobs' elementary school teachers said. Young Jobs and his friend let a live snake loose in their classroom, scaring their poor teacher out of her chair, "We gave her a nervous twitch," Jobs, said. The two buddies got their classmates to trade their bike lock combinations with them. One day the pranksters locked all the student's bikes together, resulting in the students and staff staying at school till ten at night to free all the bikes.

Jobs had a tough time in the seventh grade, the school he was attending was rough, and fights broke out more and more as the year passed, and kids were getting bullied, so he decided he was done, so he told his parents, "If he had to go back to school there again, he just wouldn't go," his father recalled. Steve's parents took him and his education seriously, so they decided to move.
Jobs, his mother, and his father moved into a three-bedroom home in Los Altos where the schools were top-notch and safe for Jobs to attend and focus on his studies. He was lucky to be growing up in Santa Clara Valley, a place full of engineers and thinkers who would increase and feed his passion for the field of electronics.

In 1977, Jobs and his small company set up a West Coast Computer Faire in San Francisco, and released and dispu...

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