Journal Essay Assignment; Journal 12 - UNCG, ECM 1100 - Essay

402 words - 2 pages

Journal 12
My school advising and registration is coming up in the next couple weeks. This is a very important time because it helps ensure that you will graduate on time and helps overall with planning. You also Geta chance to talk to and meet with your advisors which is not only helpful but also very important. The have not only been very experienced in the field you are studying but also have seen tons of students just like myself and can help steer me in the direction that I need to or want to go in. Most of the time, at Greensboro college at least, your academic advisors are the heads of your majors department. They might be professors or just department heads but either way they are the best of the best at what they do. As a result, these advisors tend to know a lot of people and can help students network. If a student develops the right relationship with their advisor they could potentially open up avenues for the future careers they intend to pursue. As a student myself I hope to achieve this...

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