Human Cloning Should Not Be Banned Essay

3678 words - 15 pages


Human Cloning Should Not Be Banned�by�Jason Brown

Cloning humans has recently become a possibility that seems much more feasible in today's society than it was twenty years ago. The process used in cloning has been practiced on livestock for quite a few years with good results. The techniques have been proven to work, and with the rapid growth of technology in this field, human cloning can one day be very beneficial to our society. Human cloning has potential to save lives and make better the quality of life for future generations. This is why human cloning should not be banned.�

Many people who oppose this viewpoint are mostly misinformed about cloning. Televisi ...view middle of the document...

Cloning is exampled in Magill's Survey of Science as combining bits and pieces of DNA from different sources and combining them in bacteria. We have come a long way since cloning bits and pieces of bacteria. This has given scientist practice to start on larger organisms such as humans. Here are some of the most beneficial ways in which cloning can help humans.�

Human cloning could provide our society with an answer to the shortage of organ donation. We could have an immediate supply of many organs, tissues, and blood types without the wait of someone else dying in order to receive them. No longer would a mother have to tell her dying child that he will have to wait for a bone marrow transplant. Once the cloning of a cell has been done and the cell has begun to divide, it does not necessarily have to develop into an entire person. The cells would be controlled so that they mature into specialized cells or even complete organs. There would be no rejection from the body since the cloned cells would have the same DNA as the donor (Nash).�

Another possible medical advance that could be developed through cloning research is the diagnosis and even curing of genetic diseases such as diabetes. Before the embryo is implanted it could be analyzed for genes that cause diseases such as cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs, and diabetes to name a few. This procedure is already being used in other countries such as England. This way an embryo with the highest chance of good health and survival could be selected for implantation. This could rid our society of genetic defects for our children to produce longer living and healthier humans for the future ( Benot).�

The most poignant argument in favor of human cloning would be to help couples that cannot conceive a child naturally. There are many couples in this world which cannot pass on their genes for the purpose of procreation. Pence says that human cloning would give them a chance to give birth to a child that is genetically related to them. Using in vitro fertilization to produce embryos and then cloning those embryos would give a couple more chances to produce offspring. This way the parents can be assured that their genes will be passed on to future generations (qtd. in Roylance).�

Dr. Richard Seed envisions a cure for cancer through cloning. Cancerous cells look normal in the early stage of the disease, then later become deformed. We could take early cancerous cells and replace their destructive nuclei with a nucleus cloned from a normal cell, thus stopping cancer before it has a chance to keep spreading (qtd. in Weingarten).�

We can also duplicate genes from the past. The DNA does not have to be from a living human. Every cell has the same genetic blueprint as another, therefore we could clone anyone from the past, as long as their DNA was preserved. Human cloning could assist in recreating cultures that were lost in history, such as the ones lost during times of genocide (Vere). We could also regener...

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