Essay On Death

785 words - 4 pages

Name: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________ Mod: ___________Essay Topics for Dead Poets Society and TranscendentalismDirections: Select one of the responses below and, in a minimum 4 paragraph response, answer completely using support from both the film and at least 2 examples from external sources, esp. the Transcendentalists. Organizer, rough, and final will be collected and graded. Due dates are below.ChoicesAll of us are called upon to make choices, most of which are not easy. Sometimes a choice sets into motion a series of events we had not counted on. This is true of characters in literature as well.Choose a character who has made important choices that reflect a new way of thinking or that have consequences. In a multi-paragraph essay, do the following:Explain what the choice or series of related choices is.Describe what lead up to the choice, for example, what events, w ...view middle of the document...

KeatingBetween the boys themselvesHow do these relationships develop? Or dissolve?SymbolismSeveral things in the film achieve a status of symbols. Some of these are Todd's desk set, Neil's crown, the seasons (winter, summer), standing on the table, poetry - and a number of others. In a multi-paragraph essay, do the following:Use one of the above mentioned or find and describe something that you consider a symbol.Describe how it works together with the rest of the film. What does the symbol illustrate?Dead Poets Society (1989), directed by Peter WeirThe school: Wellton Mr. Nolan, the head administratorMr. Keating, the new teacher of poetry and literature, played by Robin WilliamsThe boys (young men) include:Neal Perry, tall, dark-haired "leader" of the boys, plays Puck in A Midsummer Nights DreamTodd Anderson, new kid, Neal's roommate, the protagonist, the heroCharlie Dalton, brown hair, really smart, spunky, wise guy.Knox Overstreet, brown hair, falls in love with Chris.Richard Cameron, red-haired flat top, rational, studious, nerdyGerard Pitts, tall, brown-haired flat top, a secondary characterSteven Meeks, red-haired, glasses, a secondary characterName: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________ Mod: ___________Plan for Dead Poets Society and Transcendentalism PaperRequirements:At Least 4 paragraphs (Intro, Body 1, Body 2, Conclusion)Include events from filmInclude at least 2 quotations of support from Transcendentalist believer (Thoreau, Emerson, Dickinson, Whitman)Topic Chosen: _______________________Intro Paragraph:Lead Idea -Thesis statement -Body Paragraph 1: Topic - ___________________________Even from the film:Comment: (ICE)Quotation from Transcendentalist:Citation: _____________________Comment: (ICE)Body Paragraph 2: Topic - ___________________________Even from the film:Comment: (ICE)Quotation from Transcendentalist:Citation: _____________________Comment: (ICE)Conclusion:Restate Thesis:Connection back to lead:Due Dates:Plan Due 11/12Rough Draft Due 11/16Final Due 11/19

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