Paper On Concepts Of Criminal Law

2016 words - 9 pages

The book “Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders” by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry tells the story of the seven murders that took place in 1969. Planned by ring leader Charles Manson and executed by members of his cult, Charles Watson, Susan Atkins,Linda Kasabian and Patricia Krenwinkel, who were involved in the famous Tate murders. Charles Manson believed he was going to start a race war, and he set up the crime scenes in a way to make it look like African Americans committed these crimes to get white people to retaliate against the minorities. The year the murders took place was 1969 in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills. These murders took place at two different locations over the span of two days.

The  four members found guilty for their involvement in the Tate and La Bianca murders along with Charles Manson were Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, and Leslie Van Houten as well as Tex Watson though he was not prosecuted under the same trial as the others.

The first set of murders took place at Cielo Drive at Roman Polanski's and Sharon Tate (his wife's) home, Polanski was out of town when the murders took place.

The  actress Sharon Tate who was pregnant at the time of her murder. Manson’s followers killed Tate,and four other people on the premises penal code 187 homicide with malice forethought. Which is a reoccurring crime in these cases. The next attack happened the following day on Waverly Drive, a married couple; Leno and Rosemary La Bianca who owned a local grocery store. (P.C. 187 Murder)

Under Manson’s commands his “family” tried to make the murders look like a ethnic gang  committed the murders. Both sets of crimes were horrendous and gruesome. Manson’s cult used the victim's blood to write race war suggestive words on the walls of the crime scenes. The word pig was found at both the Tate and Labianca murders.( P.C. 205, Mayhem) He was trying to start violence and rioting.

The most well known phrase relating to Charles Manson  Helter Skelter was written on the fridge at the Labianca murders. Following these murders, Manson and Susan Atkins were arrested along with twenty six other people suspected of involvement  at Barker ranch for an auto theft ring. No connection was seen at this time that related them to the Tate and La Bianca murders. Many people arrested were apart of Manson's cult.

While in jail Atkins openly spoke and bragged about her involvement  in the Tate and La Bianca murders, after fellow prisoners ratted on Atkins for her stories of stabbing the victims multiple times which made other prisoners sick( P.C.245 a1 assault with a deadly weapon and PC 187 first and second degree murder). It wasn't long before they connected Charles Manson to the Hollywood  murders. After police interviewed the members of Manson cult, five suspects were brought to trial.

Even Though Manson himself did not kill anyone he was still arrested ,for instructing and planning the murders of these people that Sus...

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