Compare The Book "tirra Lirra By The River" To Two Different Texts And Explain How They Are Similar. Include The Use Of Techniques

1019 words - 5 pages

"The Scream" by Edvard Munch"The Scream" is a confronting painting of an isolated figure on a bridge clutching his ears; his eyes and mouth open wide in a scream of anguish. The Scream by Edvard Munch has become one of the most prominent symbols of psychic distress.The "friends" of the screaming figure is apparent in the background. The distance, ambiguity and lack of involvement of these figures is quite similar to Nora's relationships. As the figure is distorted with anxiety, the two people are showing no understanding or concern for him. The bridge can be symbolic for a journey into another world. This reflects Nora's path to self discovery and her struggle to travel from her imagi ...view middle of the document...

The unbearable trauma apparent in this painting as a reaction of the figure's surroundings correlates with Nora's distress from the restrictions placed upon her in a patriarchal society.As the use of intense literary techniques are used to express Nora's emotional journey, the composition, vivid colors and dramatic use of perspective personify alienation and anxiety in the painting."Just a Girl" by No DoubtDescriptionThe song is about a girl who finally realizes her undermined place in society and is shocked by what her social pressures have made her become. Much like Tirra Lirra, it's a song of self awakening and it shows the relationship between understanding yourself and understanding the society in which you live.It's apparent that both these characters live in a patriarchal society, where the women are either undermined or objectified. Both Nora and the singer has struggled in a male dominated world. It was clear that Nora never fitted in her society because she clearly didn't match the design of what a woman should be like in 1920's Sydney. The singer however expresses that she does belong in her society and she's "just your typical prototype". The singer explains that even though she belongs in her society, she still does not agree with who she is and what societal pressures have molded her into.Techniques / RelationBoth TLBR and "Just a girl" use structure to convey meaning in their story. The song uses the repetition of the chorus to emphasis her point and the circular direction of the song is quite similar to the structure of TLBR where it mirrors the disheveled memories of Nora. The rhyming scheme in the song is ABABCDC - this creates a sense of flow throughout the song. TLBR also literarily establishes a smooth transit...

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