Essay On Change In The Workplace - Eassy

1722 words - 7 pages

Change in the Work Place

Introducing a new concept of work practice to an organization means changes have to occur in order to accommodate it. Change can lead to a disruptive pattern in the workplace, but a change is necessary if an organization wants to be competitive. This will lead to negative connotations, it is very important that organizations take careful step when introducing change without a major disruption to employees. They will most likely could resistant to the new concept since it will threaten their work comfort zone.
This past summer we installed CSI Software to improve our front desk check-in, event management, and employee check-in. This change was important to the department because our manager could check employee time and attendance with real speed and precision. This change was going to help our department accelerates member traffic also alert staff to membership renewals. Because of the change in software, we are able to track employees' time and attendance through a simple, automated workflow. Our department was able to check Inventory by location and allow everyone in our department to be more accountable when an inventory checks out to members. This software change allows our department to secure our facility and keep traffic moving fast on a busy day or time of the day. The new CSI Software helps the recreational department by providing a flexible access security system for managing member traffic flow. It will also create a check-in record quickly in SpectrumNG, allowing members to move at their pace while all access activity is automatically logged into CSI Software. When people get into habits at the place they work, it becomes very hard to change that habit that they are used to. People will have fear of not being able to keep up or perform the new duties or changes that are being placed upon them.

People that just started their current position may be subject to change. Some may even fear the change of location or the fear of getting new management. Having a lack of support during the transition time cause can cause a major problem in an organization. When an organization is considering a change, they need to realize that there are many factors that have to be considered prior to implementation of change in an organization, in this case, our department. Employees in an organization, such as our department, are likely to resist changes. Therefore, it is inevitable that some obstacles will appear when a new concept is introduced. The resistance to change is often generated by the lack of understanding of the proposed change, so providing training to people affected by the change would help reduce their resistance and make the change more acceptable. According to Trautner, Hatton & Smith, only a small number of employees are willing to accept a significant change in the workplace (Trautner, Hatton & Smith, 2013, p. 321). A worker from the mid-1990s wants more to say in the workplace when it comes to chan...

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