Cat And A Dog Comparison Assignment

702 words - 3 pages

Purpose: To compare and contrast which pet is a better choice for an owner, a cat or a dog.
Point-by-Point Organization
Point One: Cost
Subject One: Dog
Subject Two: Cat
Point Two: Time
Subject One: Dog
Subject Two: Cat
Point Three: Attention from owner Subject One: Dog Subject Two: Cat Cat Or Dog As A Pet Ever since I was a child I have grown up having pets in my life. People all over the world own pets ranging from a cat or dog to a fish or horse. However, the two most common pets are a dog and a cat. Depending on the person, a dog might be a better option or vice versa; a cat might be better. When a pet owner decides between owning a cat or dog, it's based on the cost, time, and attention of the animals.
When owning a cat or dog, the person must know that both animals cost at least some money. Animals or pets are not free and may not be cheap either. In general, a dog is going to be more expensive than a cat. Even from the beginning, a dog's adoption fee is more expensive than a cat's. A dog's adoption fee can range from fifty dollars to four hundred dollars. A cat's adoption fee can range from fifty dollars to only one hundred dollars. After you adopt the animal, you have to think about food costs. Averagely, a dog will eat a bowl of food twice a day, compared to a cat, which could take a week to eat one bowl full. You will also need supplies for each pet, which will cost money. A cat will need a litter box, but a dog will not. Both pets will need vaccinations from a vet and even possibly vet visits to stay healthy. Cats and dogs both cost money to support, and the price of investment is different depending on the pet.
Along with the cost of owning a cat or dog, they require time spent by their owner. Cats are more of...

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